MS in 应用统计学 Fact Sheet

Why the MS in 应用统计学 (MSAS)?

In an increasingly data-driven world, 企业需要理解他们正在收集的数据,以便做出合理的决策. 博天堂官方网站市场需要在基础统计训练方面有很强背景的人, 有扎实的运筹学经验,对管理信息系统和商业运作有深刻的理解. 获得MSAS证书的学生拥有在行业或博士课程中取得成功的所有工具.

Why the MS in 应用统计学 at BGSU?

BGSU的MSAS是一个跨学科的博天堂官方网站生项目,鼓励学生在两个学院的四个部门学习课程. BGSU在数学和统计学方面的强大和全国公认的课程已经蓬勃发展, 应用统计学, 运筹学, management information systems, 计算机科学. BGSU已经接受了来自这些领域的教师之间合作的悠久传统. BGSU的这些优势和传统使该大学处于独特的地位,可以提供高质量的应用统计学硕士学位.


BGSU的应用统计学硕士学位课程致力于创造一个激发求知欲的学习环境, 增强批判性思维, develops quantitative reasoning and problem-solving skills, encourages ethical behavior and develops communication and leadership ability.


Our graduates have gone on to successful careers in industry and academia. Some of our alumni are data scientists working at Harvard University, 克利夫兰诊所, 第一太阳能公司, 欧文斯科宁, 丰田, 普利司通美洲, 好事达保险, 全国保险, 亚马逊, 美国银行, and The Walt Disney Company, 举几个例子. 该计划还为希望攻读博士学位的学生提供了极好的准备.D. degree in statistics, biostatistics, or 运筹学. Many of our graduates have been admitted to top Ph.D. 比如哈佛大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、俄亥俄州立大学、密歇根大学、西北大学、北卡罗来纳大学和加州大学洛杉矶分校.

Program strengths and uniqueness

  • 学生可以选择传统的应用统计专业,也可以选择商业分析专业. 该项目提供了多种选修课程,允许学生根据自己的职业目标定制学位.
  • MSAS由施米德索尔斯特商学院应用统计与运筹学系和文理学院数学与统计系联合举办.
  • In addition to developing analytical skills in descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics, students can acquire technical skills in database management, business intelligence and big data analytics, along with complementary soft skills in management and leadership.
  • 学生 have the possibility of working in our Center for Business Analytics, 协助校园内的教职员工或外部客户进行统计和优化项目需求.
  • 学生可以参加商业分析案例比赛,对真实的商业数据进行分析,将课堂上学到的知识应用到实际中,并争夺奖金.
  • 施密特索尔斯特商学院有一个专门的博天堂官方网站中心,帮助学生在当地企业实习,并在毕业后安置.
Headshot photo of Erin Leatherman

“The training I received from the ASOR department has proved to be invaluable. 教授们致力于为学生提供全面的统计学教育. 此外,他们还能以清晰的方式阐述复杂的统计理论, they also provide learning experiences through real-life data. 正是这种理论与实践的复杂结合,使他们的学生在课堂之外茁壮成长.”

—  Erin Leatherman, ‘08 Assistant Professor of Statistics Kenyon College


申请人应已修毕微积分及积分学课程, including multivariable calculus, and a course in linear algebra.  Although no background in statistics is required for entrance into the program, 完成概率论和统计学的两门入门课程对学生是有益的. If a student has not completed the calculus requirement, 这些课程将被规定为补救工作,不计入学位课程.

进入MSAS项目需要获得认可机构的学士学位,并且累积的本科GPA至少为3.0分(满分4分). 申请人须提交所有就读院校的正式或非正式成绩单扫描件. 在入学, 必须提交所有获得学位的机构的最终官方或公证的成绩单副本和国际机构的文凭. 申请人还需要提交博天堂官方网站生入学考试(GRE)或博天堂官方网站生管理入学考试(GMAT)的正式成绩。.

所有申请人必须提交三封该领域的教师或专业人士的推荐信, 目的陈述, 现在的简历.

国际申请者还需要提交国际英语语言测试系统(IELTS)的成绩。, the Pearson Test of English Academic (PTEA), or the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Successful completion of ELS 112 will also be accepted for this requirement.


有限数量的奖学金和博天堂官方网站生助学金在竞争的基础上提供给符合条件的全日制学生. 了解更多信息, please contact the department. 注册四(4)个或更多学时的国内学生有资格使用联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)申请经济援助,以计算学生的贡献和经济需求. 你可以在网上申请 Federal Student Aid website.


参观 BGSU 博天堂官方网站生 Admissions website 应用.

Fall/Summer Application Deadline: 申请和证明材料应在2月1日之前收到,以便充分考虑录取和资助. Applications received after February 1st will be reviewed for admission, but consideration for financial assistance may be limited based on available funds.


应用统计学硕士学位总共需要36门(论文选项)或33门(综合考试选项). The degree can be completed in three semesters (Fall, Spring, Fall).

Masters of Science in 应用统计学


  • MATH 6410: Probability Theory I
  • MATH 6420: Probability Theory II
  • STAT 5020: Regression Analysis
  • STAT 5060:样品设计
  • STAT 5080: Experimental Design

Electives (2 STAT/OR, 2 MATH, and 1 free)

Plan I Thesis Option (36 credits)

  • STAT 6990:论文博天堂官方网站 and one more elective course

Plan II Comprehensive Exam Option (33 credits)

  • STAT 6750: 博天堂官方网站 Methods in Statistics and Comprehensive Exam


Masters of Science in 应用统计学
with Specialization in Business Analytics


  • MATH 6410: Probability Theory I
  • MATH 6420: Probability Theory II
  • IS 5400: Business Database 管理
  • OR 6610: Linear and Integer Programming
  • STAT 5020: Regression Analysis
  • STAT 5080: Experimental Design
  • STAT 5160: Time Series Analysis
  • STAT 6440:数据挖掘

Applied Probability Elective (1 Course)

MATH/STAT Elective (1 Course)

CS/IS/OR Electives (1 Course)

ECON/工商管理硕士 Elective (1 Course)

Plan I Thesis Option (39 credits)

  • STAT 6990:论文博天堂官方网站

Plan II Comprehensive Exam Option (39 credits)

  • STAT 6750: 博天堂官方网站 Methods in Statistics and Comprehensive Exam


Department of 应用统计学 & 运筹学
Schmidthorst College of Business
Bowling Green State University


Dr. Yuhang Xu, 博天堂官方网站生 Coordinator

Crissy美林, Administrative Assistant

Updated: 10/21/2022 11:23AM